- Creeps
The dungeon is roamed by random neutral creeps, they are immediately hostile and higher tier creeps (medium camp, hard camp, ancient camp) will start appearing the deeper you go. These creeps only respawn after 3 minutes.
- Goodies
Early in the dungeon you'll find the rune field, guarded by a collection of small and medium neutral camp creeps. If you can kill these or slip past them you'll get to choose a consumable item that'll give the buff of ANY of the power runes, these are called "rough runes". This item can be in your inventory for 5 minutes after which it is used automatically. The rune field respawns every 5 minutes. There are two rune fields, one near the radiant entrance and one near the dire entrance.
Midway through the dungeon you'll encounter a winding path leading to the place where the gem of true sight is mined. Though the precious gem is guarded by 1 buffed neutral hard camp (extra damage, HP, and speed. Will use abilities more frequently). Defeating or successfully slipping past them allows one player to grab a "rough" gem of true sight. This version of the gem is DESTROYED upon death instead of dropped. The rough gem of true sight will respawn every 10 minutes. There are 2 gems, on closer to dire, one closer to radiant.
- The Dragon
Deep in the dungeon is the Dragon! The Dragon sits on top of his giant hoard of loot, soundly sleeping. Fighting and defeating the Dragon allows ONE player to interact with the loot pile to gain either of the following:
1. A choice out of ALL neutral items currently available (allows you to pick the exact neutral you want as long as it can currently drop from a neutral camp).
2. A large sum of gold.
The Dragon respawns every 9-12 minutes after being killed.
The dragon isn't as tough as it seems, and while it deals a lot of damage it's attacks are avoidable. 2-3 heroes should be enough to take it out.
- Forge of the Ancients
Behind even the dragon, in the deepest parts of the dungeon lies the Forge of the Ancients. A might golem stands guard, ready to pummel any who dare approach it. The golem is incredibly tanky and hits hards, but it's slow attacks are dodgable. Destroying the golem drops the "Ancient forge tools". These may be used to repair or reconstruct any building! Healing 50% HP of a damaged building or reconstructing a destroyed building to 50% HP.
The Forge tools follow a simple logic where outer tier towers may only be reconstructed if the inner tier towers still stand.
The Forge tools can be used to reconstruct barracks, which stops super or mega creeps from spawning.
The Golem respawns every 18 minutes after being killed. This makes getting multiple Golems nearly impossible.
- Time limit
The dungeon has one last line of defense... If a hero spends more than 3 minutes inside the dungeon they will start taking damage. This starts out as 0.5% max HP per second but over the course of 1 minute quickly scaled up to 5% map HP per second (this scales logarithmicly, meaning that it will start scaling a lot faster towards the end of the minute). After 10 more seconds the damage will change from magical to pure.
- Special rules
1. Teleport scrolls or any other form of global movement may not be used to get into the dungeon or to get out of the dungeon.
2. The creeps in the dungeon have a weak form of true sight. Getting too close as an invisible hero means they'll spot you.
3. Creeps in the gem room have full true sight.
4. No wards may be placed in the dungeon.
5. You may not use blinks or any other from of special movement to get out of the dungeon. You must cross the threshold naturally.
Created 666 days ago
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