Tormentor no longer gives a bonus 250 gold reward on kill
Tormentor team gold/xp reward changed from 280/280 to 325/250
Tormentor now gives gold and xp regardless of how many Aghanim's Shards are present on the killing team.
Tormentor base barrier regeneration increased from 100 to 150
Tormentor no longer gains 200 barrier, 100 barrier regeneration per second and 20% extra reflection for each time it dies
Tormentor now gains 22 barrier, 12 barrier regen per second, 1% extra barrier reflection, and 0.5 experience bounty every minute
Tormentor base armor increased from 20 to 40
Tormentor now gains 0.5 armor per minute
Tormentor now gains 0.3% magic resistance per minute
Tormentor damage towards illusions increased from 200% to 400%
Tormentor now has a 60% damage resistance versus clones (includes Meepos, Arc Warden Double, Muerta Parting Shot, and Monkey King soldiers)
Tormentor damage reflect aura now has a 75% incoming and outgoing heal reduction for all units in the radius
Tormentor respawn time is now randomized between 9 and 13 minutes
So the main ideas behind this slight tweaking of Tormentors is similar to my idea for Roshan, which is that bosses are now way too easy and need to scale with the game more. However, I think, like Roshan, Tormentors should spawn at the beginning of the game and scale every minute rather than open at a set time and scale only on every death. This means not doing Tormentors can make them harder and harder the more you don't even try to do them. They also should give a gold and xp bounty regardless of how many Shards your team has. These changes are to keep the more "freeform" idea of Dota's objectives in mind, where they're supposed to be more opportunistic than in a set pattern.
The biggest change of all is the random respawn timer, just like Roshan. This, I feel, is the reason why taking Tormentors, along with most other objectives, feels very rote and boring. Roshan having a random time on respawn is one of the reasons banking on Rosh spawn is still a risk.
As for the other changes, they're mostly to make Tormentor harder to cheese with illusions, clones, heavy minus armor, and outhealing the reflect.
Created 512 days ago
Last edit today
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